At Topix, we believe there is a better way to use online dating profiles and find love. This is a way that single people can get more suitable matches than ever before. We’re obsessively passionate about it, and our mission is to help single people achieve it. We focus on online dating platforms’ profile pictures optimization. It’s the most crucial part of your profile, yet the trickiest one, and we see that as an opportunity. We’re excited to simplify the “which pictures are my best” doubt for everyone through our software, education, and community.

Find love using data

With the rise of online dating platforms and the growing competition, we understand that profile picture optimization has become more crucial than ever. We decided to help love-seekers show their best selves by finding their best photos from a set of photos.

After rigorous user research, we concluded that most people need to learn which of their pictures gives them the highest chances to find love and get matches. Not only that, people are not the best at assessing their own pictures.
Using Topix dramatically increases the chances of getting more matches because our users get data the dramatically helps them in making their profile more appealing.

The Founders

Topix was founded by David Shoval and Moti Azu. It started as a blog and an online community where some of the world’s first online dating platforms’ experts shared their research and ideas. We launched the Beginner’s Ebook to online dating profiles and an advanced picture compare algorithm using a human voting system to ensure your success in the jungle of online dating.

Where Does the Name “Topix” Come From?

Topix has a name that was inspired by our primary mission – helping you find your Top Pictures. From the very beginning, we felt passionate about bringing our knowledge of the online dating industry and the picture optimization algorithm to overcome the long, frustrating road to finding your soul mate.

How does it work?

We have measures within our algorithm to ensure that only honest votes reach your photos.
In each vote, we compare two pictures of you, and we use a rating system to determine in high probability which of your photos are the best amongst themselves.
We pay attention to poor-voting violations and check in real-time that all the votes your pictures get are honest and valuable. We have a user support center where you can send us any suspicious or unethical behavior when getting votes and messages from other users. We also ban users who use our platform to harm our users.